Product Code: TSH10069
"Hunter x Hunter" is an exhilarating adventure manga and anime series that follows the journey of Gon Freecss, a young boy on a quest to find his missing father and become a Hunter, an elite and highly respected profession in his world.
Set in a world where Hunters are licensed individuals who undertake dangerous tasks such as capturing criminals, exploring uncharted territories, and hunting rare creatures, the story unfolds in a vast and diverse universe filled with unique characters, complex societies, and extraordinary powers.
Gon's journey begins when he discovers that his father, Ging Freecss, a legendary Hunter, is still alive and has left Gon to pursue his own adventures. Determined to follow in his father's footsteps and uncover the truth about his mysterious past, Gon sets out to become a Hunter himself.
Shipping Charge : ₹ 50
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