Product Code: TSH10067
"Neon Genesis Evangelion" is a groundbreaking anime series that first aired in 1995. Directed by Hideaki Anno, it blends elements of mecha action, psychological drama, and philosophical exploration to create a unique and thought-provoking narrative.
Set in a dystopian future where Earth is under attack by mysterious beings known as Angels, the series follows Shinji Ikari, a reluctant teenager who is recruited by the shadowy organization NERV to pilot a giant bio-mechanical robot called an Evangelion. These Evas are humanity's last line of defense against the Angels, which threaten to bring about the end of the world.
As Shinji and his fellow pilots, including the enigmatic Rei Ayanami and fiery Asuka Langley Soryu, battle the Angels, they grapple with their own inner demons and complex relationships with each other and their distant and often absentee fathers.
Shipping Charge : ₹ 50
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